Simulation and Acoustic Consulting
Noise Vibration Acoustic Measurement
Noise Vibration Measurement Agency
Computer simulation is used to analyze the sound
field in the room and to predict and calculate various
sound parameters, including reverberation time.
We measure and analyze factory emission acceptance
standards, living noise (noise vibration measurement
agency business), and indoor sound fields.
Noise Vibration Measurement Agency No. 2018-1
Architectural Acoustic Design and Construction
Acoustic material development and production
Product performance evaluation
It is an essential specification for optimal performance
by having expertise in architectural sound and
performing precise on-site construction according to
the intention of the designer.
It develops and produces various noise vibrations,
architectural sound, and eco-friendly certified
materials, and provides the best service to customers
by developing indoor air purification sound
absorption materials for the first time in Korea.
Measure the sound insulation rate and sound
absorption rate of the product using a small size
chamber and a multi-channel noise meter.